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DUI Attorney in Lincoln, Nebraska

Experienced DUI Attorney Protecting the Driving Privileges of Lincoln & Lancaster County Clients

We understand that everyone makes mistakes, especially in a culture that glorifies alcohol and centers so many social events around it. That said, a DUI charge is serious and can cause you significant problems if handled improperly. You need to contact Chapin Law Offices immediately, as you must respond within ten days of your arrest before your driver’s license is automatically suspended by the DMV.

Understanding Nebraska’s DUI Laws

It’s important to know what the legal limits are and how those impact a potential DUI charge. You can be charged with a DUI if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is as follows at the time of arrest:

  • 0.08% or higher

  • 0.04% or higher, if you are driving a commercial vehicle

  • 0.02% or higher, if you are younger than 21 years old

Wrongfully Pulled
Over or Convicted?

Let's Challenge Your DUI Charge

Consenting to a Breathalyzer Test

Additionally, Under Nebraska’s implied consent law, a driver’s refusal to take a preliminary breath test when asked to do so can result in an administrative license suspension. This means you can lose your license even if you are not charged with a crime. A good DUI lawyer will assist you with both your criminal defense and your administrative suspension following an arrest, as well as ensure that you don’t lose your driving privileges. We can help you fight your charges and work with the DMV on your behalf to keep you on the road.

Don’t Attempt to Fight This Alone

Even if this is your first DUI, handling it improperly could easily result in a license suspension of six months or more, or possibly even time in jail. We have represented countless Nebraska drivers facing the same uncomfortable situation you find yourself in now and we are confident in our ability to help you.