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Child Support Attorney in Lincoln, Nebraska

Committed to Helping Lincoln Parents Resolve Their Child Support Matters

It’s natural for parents to want the best for their child, especially following a divorce. The child support system is intended to ensure that your child receives the financial assistance they need in order to grow and thrive. Usually, the Nebraska court will order the child’s non-custodial parent to make monthly child support payments to the custodial parent in order to help cover the costs associated with raising the child. If you have questions about the child support process, or you need help resolving a child support dispute, contact Chapin Law Office to discuss your needs with an experienced family law attorney today.

Establishing Child Support in Nebraska

In divorce proceedings that involve children, the issue of child support will likely arise. Once custody arrangements have been established, the judge will seek to ensure that both parents are contributing meaningfully to the child’s upbringing. One parent may be compelled to pay child support to the parent who serves as the child’s primary custodian, ensuring that both parents are financially supporting the child. These child support payments can help to cover important needs the child has, like clothing, food, educational costs, medical costs, and more.

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Addressing Child Support Disputes

Sometimes, disputes may arise when one parent feels the amount of child support they are being required to pay is too much. Or, perhaps the custodial parent learned that the other parent recently inherited a substantial amount of money, and they want to ask the court to adjust the amount of child support accordingly. When it comes to child support, there are a number of issues that may arise at any time, so working with a seasoned family law attorney can help you understand your legal options and your best path forward. Whether you need help negotiating the amount of child support you owe, or you need trusted and effective legal representation in an upcoming litigation involving child support, Chapin Law Office is fully prepared to assist you.

Get Started Today

At Chapin Law Office, our primary goal is to make sure that you have the tools you need in order to move forward with your life. No matter what challenges you are currently facing, we’re here to help you successfully navigate the legal process and obtain your desired outcome. Reach out today to speak to a knowledgeable and compassionate family law attorney.