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Spousal Support Attorney
in Lincoln, Nebraska

Trusted Family Law Attorney Helping Lincoln Clients Successfully Resolve Their Spousal Support Matters

Walking away from your marriage can be challenging,  especially if you are concerned about how you’ll be able to build a new future for yourself. Nebraska courts recognize that many newly divorced individuals may require some financial support in order to establish a stable path forward. Chapin Law Office is here to help you negotiate and obtain an equitable spousal support agreement so that you can both move forward with optimism and confidence.

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Spousal Support in Nebraska

While not every divorce requires the establishment of a spousal support (also known as “alimony”) order, judges may find it necessary in divorces where one spouse has significantly more earning potential than the other. For example, if one spouse gave up a career in order to raise children or maintain the home, the court may compel the higher-earning spouse to pay spousal support to the other spouse as they adjust to their new reality after the divorce is finalized. In many cases, the spousal support payments can help the recipient cover the costs of an educational or vocational training program so that they may become more marketable and, eventually, find gainful employment. For the most part, spousal support is temporary, lasting until both spouses have adjusted to their newly independent lives.

Here to Support You

For over 40 years, Chapin Law Office has been helping clients throughout Nebraska build brighter futures. If you are currently facing a spousal support issue and you are in need of trusted and reliable legal guidance, get in touch with our compassionate family law attorney today to discuss your options. Together, we’ll make sure that you achieve a favorable outcome so that you can begin your next chapter with confidence.